Logan’s UnparALLeled Legacy, Inc., doing business as Donor Heroes, is a charity that was created to engage and educate children on the importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation through Donor Heroes are Superheroes, a facts and fun activity book.

About Us
A nonprofit to educate
children about the positive
impact of donation and
support donor families.

We raise awareness through speaking opportunities & our childrens books.

Make a donation here or sponsor a scholarship.

Let us know how you would like to support our mission.
Donor Heroes are Super Heroes
Printed Copies
Countries Reached

Logan’s Story:
Logan’s impact. His gift.
Logan's radiant smile was a reflection of his adventurous, dependable, easygoing, funny, hardworking, kind, protective, and loving personality. At the age of 16, he underwent a cornea transplant following a paintball injury, instilling in him a profound sense of gratitude for the gift of sight. In his deep appreciation, Logan registered as an organ, eye, and tissue donor.